
WANG Chucheng

He is an authentic Tianjin native, but not proficient in any of the four classic skills in Xiangsheng (Speaking, Imitating, Teasing, Singing).

Probe into Flutter State Management

Recently, I learned a cross-platform solution based on an APP that wants to implement a collection of commonly used personal functions. Then began to study Flutter, through the article to record the learning gains. The main content of this article is to introduce the way of state management in Flutter and the choice of different ways.
4 min read

Problems encountered when Spring Data JPA query result is empty

Problems encountered When using the Repository interface, if the query result of the findBy method is empty, a null pointer exception java.lang.NullPointerException will be reported, and if the query result is not empty, you can pass the test.
2 min read

Hello, World!

Today I formally established my own technology blog. I hope that in the future I will continue to work hard, record and share my feelings.
1 min read